Tag: science


A New Method to Produce Fresh Water

A team of scientists from the United States and Saudi Arabia has created a prototype device capable of extracting water from the air at a humidity level of 20%. The…


What Is Thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the science of the most common properties of macroscopic physical systems in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium and the transition processes between these states. This branch of science…


Engineering Our Health

Creating a new gene in one day or even in a few hours? Until recently, this seemed an unthinkable task, but the new technology made the dream of many scientists…


North Korea Nuclear Science

The beginning of the DPRK nuclear program, according to experts, dates back to the mid-1950s, when special scientific centers were created in the country. In the early stages, the North…


Upcoming Trends in Engineering

What specialties are sorely lacking in the labor market? There is a catastrophic lack of representatives of technical professions on the labor market. In this regard, we asked the experts…


Student Plagiarism in an Online World

One of the serious problems faced by universities in different countries is student plagiarism in an online world. One and the same work is submitted several times: abstracts, reports, courseworks,…


TOP 10 Engineering Achievements in History

The history of civilization is replete with examples of how humanity is improving the world. Thanks to ingenuity, imagination and hard work, man tamed rivers, built roads, built cities and…