Tag: students


The Islamic University of Gaza

The Islamic University of Gaza is an independent Palestinian university, opened in 1978 in the Gaza Strip with the foster of Sheikh Ahmad Yassin. Since this educational institution is located…


Fort Berthold Community College

Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College (formerly Fort Berthold Community College) Address: 220 8th Avenue North, PO Box 490, New Town, ND 58763 Phone: (701) 627-4738 Location(s): New Town, North Dakota, with…


Student Plagiarism in an Online World

One of the serious problems faced by universities in different countries is student plagiarism in an online world. One and the same work is submitted several times: abstracts, reports, courseworks,…


Do We Need Higher Education?

Higher education is one of the first points in the description of the requirements for most vacancies. Many people are convinced that universal higher education is simply necessary, and life…