Engineering Careers — Job Description
Engineers are kind of inventors. Representatives of the specialty facilitate the life and work of people with the help of complex mechanisms and functional devices. It is difficult to find the categories of production, social and social life, in which there was no participation. Every year, the need for employees in the field is increasing. At the same time, universities that teach the profession of an engineer provide more and more qualified graduates for various spheres of human life. It is difficult to determine the most popular niches by this profile – personnel is needed everywhere.
Engineer – a description of the profession
The main goals of the specialty are the creation and improvement of technical devices, tracking their effective and uninterrupted functioning.
Workers not only design, assemble and test the invention but also accompany the process of its operation, develop repair methods. However, not everything that engineers usually do is related to maintaining the cycle of the technical product. Certain categories of profile employees are engaged in scientific activities.
Types of engineers specializations:
- technologist – optimizes the operation of installations, devices, robots and improves them;
- constructor – designs, creates and tests new inventions;
- physicist – applies specialized education and knowledge in physics to develop new products and increase their functionality;
- biologist – based on knowledge and biological processes, solves technical problems (cloning of organs, stimulating plant growth);
- programmer – writes software and algorithms to achieve the maximum level of production automation;
- economist – analyzes economic indicators and looks for ways to improve them;
- military – applies the skills of an engineer to create military equipment, its maintenance and improvement.
Those who plan to connect their lives with engineering are recommended to study the description of the profession in each case. The final choice affects what subjects you need to take when entering a university. It will determine the place of service, requirements for a specialist and a list of job responsibilities.
Where can I work in my specialty?
Many categories of enterprises need engineers. Such specialists are required in inventive, design and production areas. An experienced specialist can apply his or her professional skills in research institutes, design bureaus, production plants, and commercial enterprises. Profile higher education of this type is in demand in medicine and metallurgy, construction and communications, engineering, military production and many other industries.
Specialist features
The profession of an engineer requires extensive specialized knowledge. To work in the direction, you need to get a higher education.
Regardless of the category of the employee’s specialization, there are requirements for all engineers – a person must be mathematical, logical, predisposed to analysis.
Desired personal qualities of an engineer:
- accuracy up to pedantry;
- responsibility and perseverance;
- creativity and spatial imagination;
- initiative;
- self-confidence and ability to defend a point of view.
The profession of an engineer is a vocation. The person who is ready for hours to perform complex mathematical calculations and seek a solution to the problem is capable of satisfying all these requirements. He or she is ready to regularly attend specialized forums and courses in order to improve his or her qualifications and acquire new skills.
Benefits of the profession
Today, the profession of an engineer is considered one of the most sought-after specialties. According to statistics, 80% of people who have received specialized education are employed within 3-6 months. Due to the variety of offers from employers, even a young specialist can choose the most interesting direction.
Another benefit is the increase in workers’ wages in response to increasing their professionalism. If necessary, a certified engineer can always improve his or her qualifications through training at commercial and budget forums or courses. People who are always ready to study in this industry will be able to occupy key positions in enterprises with a worldwide reputation.
Also, people are attracted to a clear list of duties of an engineer. It depends on the direction of activities and tasks. Most often, such employees work according to their own schedule, which allows them to evenly distribute their forces and achieve their goals as quickly as possible.
Cons of engineering
The first shortcoming of engineering specialization is the need to perform monotonous work, which requires special concentration. The slightest miscalculation of an employee or a mistake made at a practical stage creates a risk of reducing production efficiency and even the development of a dangerous situation. Moreover, the salary of an engineer does not always correspond to this level of responsibility.
It is not so easy to get an education in this field. It’s not enough to go to the chosen university, it is also necessary to devote several years to the study of a number of complex disciplines, including mathematical analysis. These difficulties do not end after obtaining a diploma and starting work as an engineer. An ambitious and responsible specialist should constantly improve his or her skills, be aware of the latest technology trends and scientific achievements.
It is not enough to know everything that is needed to become a good engineer. One must have great patience in order to succeed in this field. During the first years after graduation, only the most talented and active young people receive the desired positions in an interesting industry. And the main share of graduates must first accumulate experience and earn a name, working for a minimum salary.
How to become an engineer?
When planning to devote yourself to a promising but specific industry, it is recommended to assess the degree of compatibility with the direction. Career guidance will help with this. A set of measures based on testing will allow you to establish the type of personality, mindset, and especially the thinking of the applicant.
First steps in engineering
In theory, university requirements for future engineers rarely go beyond the school curriculum. In practice, much attention is paid to the achievements of the applicant. A young person who is interested in technology, modeling and product design from an early age will become a good specialist. An additional plus will be the increased study at school of such disciplines as physics and mathematics. The chances of an enviable career are increased in children who attended technical circles, electives for the study of biological, chemical and physical processes.
Top schools in engineering
Choosing between different specialized universities, it is recommended to initially determine the interests and further goals. This will affect what exams you need to pass to become the engineer and establish a list of subjects studied. Future robotics devote most of their time to mastering the principles of artificial intelligence. Aviators pay more attention to physics, the rules for the design of vehicles and avionics. Biotechnologists cram biology and chemistry. Regardless of the category of training, a lot of time is devoted to mathematical and technical disciplines.
The most prestigious engineering universities in the USA include:
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT);
- Stanford University;
- University of California—Berkeley;
- University of Kansas;
- California Institute of Technology;
- University of Southern California;
- University of California- San Diego;
- University of California- Los Angeles (UCLA);
- Auburn University;
- University of Arkansas.
All of these institutions offer great prospects for engineering careers.
Career opportunities
An engineer has a good chance of developing his or her talent, provided he or she has a high level of qualification. Especially active young people find places for internships already in their student years. By the time they graduate, they already have practical experience and are not afraid of the demands of employers.
Every year an engineer gets more and more chances for career growth. Many areas of activity require such employees. There are cases when young professionals receive the positions of project managers after 5-7 years of work. Ambitious employees generating promising ideas get the opportunity to independently implement them in a team of like-minded people.
Over the past 10 years, the specifics of work in the field of engineering has changed dramatically. Now, this is a sought-after profession that brings its representatives not only moral satisfaction but also financial well-being. Every year, new directions and specialization groups appear. Each of them needs young and enthusiastic personnel.
Category: Education
Tags: career, engineering, profession